Internet and Television Safety: Parents are the Safety Net!

The online and television world can be a very exciting place for kids and youth, giving them the ability to do research for school projects, play games and interact with one another, learn educational information from and keep up with the latest trends in clothing and food. But the Internet and the television are completely…

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Raising a Son with Good Character

Parenting can be difficult. Getting the right type of guidance on the subject can be even more daunting. As parents we often wonder…how can we help our children grow into caring, confident, responsible, and emotionally equipped adults? Can raising a son with these qualities be even more difficult? According to gender stereotypes, when it comes…

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Improve Your Parenting Style in an Hour!

Do you often question if you are a good parent? Do your children respect you the way they respect ‘that one teacher’ they love? Do you know how to stay cool and in control while your children test the limits and abuse the coupon dispenser in the grocery store? Staying in control, being consistent, being calm,…

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