Suicide Awareness in the LGBTQ Community
Did You Know?
Suicide attempts among LGBTQ youth are 20-40% higher than non-LGBTQ youth.
- Suicide attempts are four times greater for LGB youth and two times greater for questioning youth than that of heterosexual youth.
- Each time LGBT victimization occurs it increases the likelihood of self-harming behaviors by 2.5 times on average.
- Almost half of transgender people have seriously thought about committing suicide, and 25% have reported having attempted suicide.
Do you or someone you know feel hopeless and alone or suicidal?
- Sexual minorities encompass many who do not identify as the sexual majority. Individuals may identify as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning.
- Love can be defined as any emotion from affection to pleasure. Love is being able to accept differences. Love incorporates being able to help those in need.
- Mindfulness helps people to acknowledge what’s occurring within your surroundings. Mindfulness helps to lead to empathy.
Knowing what a person may be experiencing in their situation is empathy. Have you thought about your empathetic approach to the LGBTQ community? Have you seen someone who looks like they need help? Where would you find help for them? Do you know what it is like to be different and need help?
These can be scary moments for the individual who may feel misunderstood, ostracized, defeated, or depressed.
Suicide is a serious issue. Being empathetic means knowing a person contemplating suicide is in a place where they are very depressed and may not see an acceptable way out of their situation.
Feeling suicidal means wanting to take one’s life to exit life’s situations; leaving family and friends for eternity; leaving possessions, and not having support. Suicide can be prevented.
Repercussions of Attempting Suicide
An unsuccessful attempt of suicide may be more painful than death itself. An unsuccessful suicide attempt may mean having several medical procedures. Some suicide attempts have led to surgery to restore physical damage, taking medication to induce vomiting, or losing body parts. Other repercussions are the emotions of guilt, anger, fear, and resentment.
How You Can Help
Suicide prevention starts with you. Be empathetic and mindful of others. Look for warning signs such as:
- diminishing interest in activities
- unprovoked crying
- changes in appearance or hygiene
- sadness or
- making “I wish” statements about suicide.
By being vigilant, people can receive proper help. When a person becomes a threat to themselves, the person can be admitted to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. Local crisis lines can provide support and remediation.
You can contact Family First Psychotherapy Services for mental health counseling. The key is to know that suicide can be prevented with the proper professional assistance.