Family First Blog
Related health and wellness news, articles, tips, and more!

Have That “New Year” Magic All Year Long!
Every New Year may seem magical; however, the magic is not in the year but in you. You can have this renewed magical feeling every month, every six months, heck every day! Setting your intentions, having strong commitments and reaching your goals are key!!! You have to create habits that lead to your success. So…

Dealing With Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
The countless feelings you may go through when diagnosed with cancer can be overwhelming. You may ask yourself, “How will my family and I get through this?” or “How much do I tell my children about my illness?” While there are many developments being made in cancer treatment, it is understandable that you and your family…

Suicide Awareness in the LGBTQ Community
Did You Know? Suicide attempts among LGBTQ youth are 20-40% higher than non-LGBTQ youth. Suicide attempts are four times greater for LGB youth and two times greater for questioning youth than that of heterosexual youth. Each time LGBT victimization occurs it increases the likelihood of self-harming behaviors by 2.5 times on average. Almost half…

Back-to-School Anxiety: Helping Teens and Tweens Cope
Back-to-school can be a time of great joy for parents, but not so much for some teens and tweens. Ever think back to your first day of school? Were you nervous? Excited? Anxious? Optimistic? Most of us can recall a wide range of emotions during the annual trek back to school, especially in the middle…

Life’s Transitions
Transition is defined as a passage or movement from one state, condition, or place to another, and is considered both a process and an outcome of complex person environment interactions. Transitions are a natural part of our lives, whether planned or unexpected. When multiple transitions occur simultaneously they become more complex to manage, sometimes leading…

Positive Thinking Can Make a Difference at Home and in the Workplace
So, you just finished what you thought was a great project at work, and now your boss is listing all the things you need to improve upon. Don’t get discouraged; constructive criticism is a key part of any job. Use the following information to apply to other aspects of your life as well. All change…

Domestic Violence And Abusive Behavior in a Relationship
Even though domestic violence awareness month has ended, you can still help to end domestic violence and make a difference. Education is the key! Knowing the definition of domestic violence, the symptoms, whose usually involved, and what you can do to help is a good start to how we can put a dent in this type of…

Patience – A Virtue or Gift?
We have been taught from an early age that patience is a virtue, but do people really see that as a true statement? It appears that people are often so impatient—at work with co-workers, with family, and often in the community. Some of our most personally responsible reasons for impatience are lack of control understanding,…

What You Should Know About Living with PTSD
Are you aware of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Is it affecting someone in your family who you are close to and you’re not sure how to handle the situation? PTSD is ongoing, so it’s good to be informed, recognize the symptoms and other problems that may arise, and the recommended treatments. The information below…
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